Fitness Continuum= Lifestyle Continuum!
So what is this Fitness Continuum I speak of? It is a rather simple concept, with at its core, continual physical and physiologic adaptation leading to increased levels in the Quality of your everyday present Life. This continual forward momentum leads in turn to enhanced training adaptation over the following years and decades, which will be of great benefit and stack the odds in your favor as you approach your senior years!
Through the decades, I’ve spoken to a multitude of people who fit within the distribution of the standard bell curve on the left. At each end of this bell curve reside the outliers. At one end are the sedentary individuals who avoid anything of a physical nature, and at the other end are the hard core athletes. In the center of this bell shaped curve is the median (or mean), which represents the majority of people who display a mixture of the traits of the extreme outliers.
Within 2 standard deviations of the mean (or average), to the left and to the right, lie 95% of the population displaying varying amounts of the traits of the outliers. This bell shaped graph known as a standard bell shaped distribution lends itself to many representations of life here on Earth:
- heights of people
- blood types
- errors in measurements
- blood pressure
- marks on a test
- variability of heart rates
- Obesity among populations
The applications of the Standard Bell Curve distribution to everything here on Earth is extensive, if not all inclusive. For our purposes however, the consideration is specifically ‘Longevity and Quality of Life’, which also of course neatly fits within this bell shaped distribution.
100% of this distribution, meaning all of Humanity and you who are reading this, shares a commonality, and it is this: Everyone is getting older, it is the essence of Life in its purest sense!
So, where is it that you fit in?
Regardless of where you find yourself along the Continuum of Lifestyle, meaning sedentary or athlete, there is a unique path forward for you. It is inevitable that you will get older, and I hope that Go30 will give you a glimpse concerning the challenges that lie ahead.
If your are in your 20s or early 30s when your physical body is resilient and your mind is sharp as a tack, there will be little if any awareness of Longevity and Quality of Life, though it’s the best time to become aware!
As your get closer to your 40s and certain age related issues manifest in your life, you will be confronted and forced to accept these changes (which you hopefully will be better equipped to deal with thanks to Go30)!
One of these changes, and I speak from experience, is that losing fat will become progressively more difficult and challenging!
This is why I suggest addressing weight loss and management as the primary undertaking to foster the habits of discipline, motivation, focus, which will spill over into many other arenas and benefit you in addressing the coming decades and its challenges.
It is a misconception that weight management is all about Diet and caloric restriction. Just as misguided is that weight loss can be achieved through caloric expenditure by training alone. Rather, Lifelong successful weight loss and management is attained by a combination of Diet, meaning proper nutrition, and caloric expenditure, meaning exercise as part of a well-designed training program.
Diet and Training, and Training and Diet, are supposed to complement each other, together they are greater than the sum of their parts, and synergistic in their application.
My hope is that go30 can steer you in a favorable direction which will allow you to gain the upper hand in the coming decades! Go30, I hope, will arm you with a different perspective on how to prepare for the rest of your Life.
Journey well my Friends:)